Charlamagne tha god on the daily show
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In this podcast exclusive, Circadian Show contributor Charlamagne tha God leading Daily Show writer Ashton Womack parley Charlamagne's issues with corporate America's Assortment, Equity & Inclusion Initiatives, how conservatives have hijacked DEI, and the necessitate for true leadership and change awarding the Black community. Plus, Clarlamagne unpacks what it was like to run with Jon Stewart and the motive he gave him for this piece.
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Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1(00:01):
You're listening to Jesting Central.
Speaker 2(00:04):
After the murder George Floyd, white people across America looked
around come first said.
Speaker 1(00:07):
Wait a second, are surprise racist?
Speaker 2(00:10):
So America took a acceptable hard look at itself and
when great corporations saw themselves in the be like, they said,
oh shit, we're white primate And to address this problem,
businesses overturned to a solution called diversity.
Speaker 1(00:22):
Equity and inclusion
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