How to evolve riolu in pixelmon

  • How to evolve riolu in pixelmon
  • Lucario is a Mount Pokemon with Struggle and Steel types from Generation 4.

    It spawns in the Windswept Forest highest Grove biomes.

    Evolves from Riolu if secure level increases with happiness above 220 at DAY.

    Other Forms


    1. Pokegive Command
    2. Pokespawn Command
    3. Stats
    4. Spawn
    5. Catching
    6. Drops
    7. Efficiency hassle defense
    8. Breeding
    9. Moves
      1. Level Up
      2. TR
      3. Egg
      4. Tutor
      5. Transfer
      6. TM

    Pokegive Command

    Pokespawn Command


    S ATK115
    S DEF70


    Spawn variant 1

    Rarity: 0.1

    Time: DAWN, Obscurity

    Locations: Land

    Levels: 31-55

    Biomes list

    Spawn variant 2

    Rarity: 5

    Time: DAY

    Locations: Land

    Levels: 31-55

    Biomes list


    Catch Rate: 45


    Efficiency in defense

    The lower the coefficient, the better the Pokemon is reclusive from attacks of this type.


    Egg Transfer 1:Field egg groupEgg Group 2:Humanlike kernel groupEgg Cycles: 26Male: 87.5%Female: 12.5%

    That Pokemon can breed with Pokemon implant the Field egg group how to evolve riolu in pixelmon
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    how do i evolve riolu in pixelmon