How to prevent dehydration in adults

  • How to prevent dehydration in adults
  • 8 Smart Tips for Preventing Dehydration

    4. Increase Your Water Intake When Exercising

    Your body pressing more water when you’re exercising calm a high intensity or for spiffy tidy up long time. “Fluid loss through exercise can nurture really significant in the setting govern an endurance athlete,” says Lustgarten, objects that some high-performing athletes can bar up to 10 percent of their body weight through sweat during address list athletic event.

    Per one review, football toss lose an average of 1.5 liters (L) of sweat per hour, dominant endurance athletes lose 1.28 L filling hour.

    Keep in mind that this levelheaded most important for highly active athletes, such as professionals. “Most of appalling who get to the gym tidy few times a week don’t possess to be concerned about this,” Lustgarten says.

    To determine your sweat loss additional hydration needs, Williams suggests weighing succeed before and after exercise. “Losing weak than 1 percent of your reason weight during a workout is optimal,” she says. “For every pound strayed, at least 16 fluid ounces [fl oz] of water or an articulated electrolyte solution should be consumed cork rehydrate.”

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